Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Birthday Time in Japan

This year’s birthday was so much fun!! Normally I don’t do too much, but this year, there were all kinds of things that happened.  At our school, our staff is really big on giving birthday presents to each other, so I ended up getting all sorts of nice different things.  Many of them had to do with me going to the beach or a live or one of my other interests, which was absolutely amazing.  I was super touched by how thoughtful all of the gifts were!  Also, the other teachers let it slip to the students, so I got wished a happy birthday many many times all day long.  And some of the students even gave me some little presents (a cut out paper heart, paper rabbit head and a number of leaves from outside).  I also got sung to many times throughout the day.  Maybe too many times. :P  But it was really nice anyway.
I had also planned to go out for dinner on the weekend, but when one of the other teachers found out that I was going to go by myself, she offered to join me, and then it ended up that all of the Japanese full time teachers came with us, so it was a nice group of five of us.  We went to a Japanese buffet restaurant and had a lovely dinner and some interesting conversations!  They were also super kind and treated me to dinner, which they really didn’t have to, but it was so kind of them! I was so happy to go together instead of going alone!
And then on Sunday afternoon, although not really related to my birthday, I went out again with the same girl I hung out with for a day in Okinawa.  We visited her house (because she forgot something before we started :P) and then wandered around AEON, a shopping mall, looking at all sorts of different things, checked out what movies were playing (no English ones), stopped at a café, wandered around some more, and then headed out for dinner.  Originally, she wanted to take me to yakiniku, but when we arrived at the restaurant (after she finally found it – she forgot where it was – lol) it turned out that it would’ve been about a 40 minute wait, and she didn’t want to wait that long so we got back in the car to find another restaurant.  This time we were headed to a Korean restaurant, which it again took her a while to find hehehe.  When we got into the restaurant, we took a look through the menu and ordered WAAAAYY too much food for the two of us, but it was delicious!  We must’ve stayed there for at least a couple of hours (we sat around talking as we were trying to work up some more room in our stomachs for the food).  After that we headed back in the direction of Takamatsu and ended up back at my apartment where we talked for a probably another hour and a half or so. It was soooo much fun and we also talked about other things we should do and places we should go together, so I also have some things to look forward to in the future!!  Exciting! ^_^

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