Sunday, July 28, 2013

Weekend with the girls

Last weekend myself and three of my friends made a trip up to the city of Daegu to watch a Cirque du Soleil show. We left Yeosu first thing Saturday morning, to arrive in Daegu around lunch time.  After getting off the bus we decided to stretch our legs for a bit and wandered around the market next to the bus terminal.  It had all sorts of interesting things.  For me though, I think the one thing that stood out the most was the WHOLE chicken that had been fried in tempura (or whatever the Korean equivalent is called).

After that we decided to go find a hotel for the night.  The first few we stopped at were either too expensive, too sketchy or flat out turned us away.  But not to worry, we did find a reasonable one eventually.  And for my first experience of staying in a love hotel, it was surprisingly clean and quiet.  Although still slightly sketchy.  If you pulled the chain on the light in our room it went from a white light to a red light - lovely...haha.  Oh well, I'm sure it could've been far worse.

Anyway, after dropping off our stuff, we decided to eat lunch and then go do some exploring.  After doing a bit of browsing through stores we hopped on a bus which took us down to the south end of the city before kicking us off at the end of the route.  At that point we decided to try to find a bus that would take us up to the north end of the city where the show was going to be.  And we did - it just took us a while because the buses weren't stopping on our side of the street!  But once we went to the other side, it was a short wait before we found a bus that took us where we needed to be.  Although it took at least an hour and a half to get there!  So, by the time we arrived, we basically had time to go in, get our tickets and brave the lines to buy some drinks/snacks and then find our seats to watch the show.

And what a show it was!  It's difficult to figure out what words to use to describe it.  But needless to say, it was amazing!  The way that some of them were able to move defies all laws of flexibility!  I think my favorite part of the show was when one team came out with the lights off and their costumes had different little lights all over them (which changed color too!) and so all you could see were these little lights moving around.  It was A-MAZING!

Our next adventure began after the show:
We thought we could take a bus back to the terminal or a subway line and go to the hotel from there. (because buses all go to the terminal eventually was our logic - that's what happens in Yeosu, why would it be any different in Daegu?)  Well.  It turns out that there's more than one terminal in Daegu and we got on a bus that went to the wrong one!  As we were riding the bus, we were watching the GPS on our phones so we'd have an idea of when we'd need to get off.  And as our bus started heading in the opposite direction to where we wanted to go, we got a bit nervous, but no worries because at the very least it should turn around and go back to where we started eventually, right?  Yeah....except our bus just happened to be on it's final route of the day.  So as our driver was about to pull into the terminal to park his bus, he asked us where we were going, which was, of course, nowhere near where we were.  So, he turned off the in service light for his bus and drove us back into town (~30 minutes!) to the subway station where we could hop on the train back to the area where our hotel was.  We definitely lucked out with an exceptionally kind bus driver!  Although, every time we passed by another bus, he'd flick on the interior lights so they could see that he was driving around with four foreign women.  At one point, we were stopped at a red light next to another bus, and the two drivers started talking - the in service one clearly wondering why our bus was still driving around.  So, our driver turned on the lights and explained that he had four ridiculously lost waygookins who he was taking to where they needed to go.  The other bus driver gave us a giant smile and waved at us as we awkwardly/sheepishly waved back. 

So, long story short, we spent an excessive amount of time on buses last weekend, and had many adventures that we made through without too big of a catastrophe!

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