Thursday, November 23, 2017

November walks

This past month has gone by insanely fast.  It's been so busy both at work and outside, it's hard to believe that it's already nearly December!

At work, I've been busy with various events.  I was one of the teachers in charge of our Halloween party (and with the help of some of my colleagues I set up a Halloween obstacle course that the kids seemed to really enjoy...with the exception of one or two who thought it was too scary!)  Then, I had a couple days of IB training, which while interesting, made for some very long days.  After that, we had our assessment as teachers, which meant I had other teachers coming in to observe my lessons and give some feedback.  Then we have our Thanksgiving party/open day for the parents, and then the following week, our winter performance.  So, yeah, just a little bit busy.

Outside of work, I've been trying to enjoy the fall a little bit (when I have time), and have taken a couple of walks for that purpose.  That's what I what to show today.

Cute little guy I came across on one walk...

A couple of weeks ago, I went to visit Kitayama Botanical Garden (which is in Nishinomiya).  It was a quick walk from Koyoen station, and doesn't cost anything to get in!  It was my first time to go there, and I thought it was a nice place.

This was in mid-November, so although there was a bit of color, it hadn't really started to change quite yet....

When I went out of the garden part, there was a bit of a hiking trail...the beginning of which led to this nice pond

There was also a nice view of the city

After leaving the gardens, I walked along the river down towards Shukugawa, and then eventually all the way down to where the river empties out into the ocean area before going back home...

The variety of view walking down the river...

Then, on Japan's labor day holiday, I took a quick walk up to the Nunobiki waterfall and continued on to the herb gardens as well.  This was not a new walk for me at all, but since the mountains have been looking very colorful recently, I wanted to go check it out for myself...

See? Looks colorful, right?

Nunobiki waterfall

Going back down, waterfall again 

I also have a kind of funny story about going back down the mountain.  On the way back, I ran into an older couple, and the wife started talking to me...she was just commenting on how fast I had been able to come back down (apparently I had passed them coming down on my way up...).  Then she wanted to know if I was from Sweden.  Now, I realize that seems kind of random, but the reason was, apparently to her, Swedes should be able to walk/hike very quickly.  Hehehe....Japanese people are adorable.  After that we talked a little bit more and then I left them to do their own thing.

That's it for now...I have a couple other places I want to go, but it all depends on the weather, and how much time I have. More soon!